Waitītiko Mountain to the Sea Walk Day 1: Ōwairaka to Alberton Ave
Sunday 4 September 2022, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Explore Waitītiko (Meola Creek) – the stream with the biggest catchment on the Auckland isthmus – as it makes its way from Mountain to the Sea.
This two-hour amble is the first of two walks which together trace the stream from its source on the eastern slopes of Ōwairaka (Mt Albert) to the sea at Te Tokaroa (Meola Reef). Today we are going from the summit of Mt Albert through Roy Clements Treeway to Mt Albert War Memorial. The second walk is next Saturday and goes from Norgrove Reserve to Meola Reef.
Today you will:
- see the entire catchment from the summit of Ōwairaka
- see where STEPS (St Lukes Environmental Protection Society) is advocating for a resurfacing of a buried section of Waitītiko
- hear about Mt Albert Grammar farm native plantings around one of Meola Creek’s tributaries
- Learn how Roy Clements galvanised 1980s MAGS students to rescue what had effectively become a drain
- see where STEPS have recreated a wetland over the last 15 years
- imagine Waitītiko as a continuous Mountain-to-Sea vegetated corridor as you walk along a section where the stream is buried underground
Book your free ticket here. Meet at the summit of Mt Albert. The walk ends at Mt Albert War Memorial, from where it is a 25min walk back to the start.
Learn about the weeding, planting, pest trapping and stream advocacy work done by STEPS on their website.
This event is part of Conservation Week 2022.
Group: STEPS