Predator Free Morningside – Western Springs has been active since May 2017. The project has grown from 20 traps in the area to over 120 and logged nearly 1100 predator catches to date, making this one of the most formidable groups in the Urban Ark network.
The group has been successful in working with council to start trapping in Fowlds park, in order to increase biodiversity in the area. The council have provided the structure (traplines and signage) and volunteers bait and reset the traps.
Predator Free Morningside – Western Springs are also keen to build up trap density in back yards around Gribblehirst reserve, to create a protective buffer zone or ‘halo’ around the critically endangered lava rock forest there, reinforcing the work council contractros undertake in the reserve itself. Please get in touch if you live in the area and would like a free rat trap or a loaned possum trap (supplied courtesy of Urban Ark).
Members of the group receive regular newsletter updates on progress. It is easy for people to register their catches by clicking on an email link, after which one of the group’s leaders inputs the data to a TrapNZ catch database.