Urban Ark – Manawa Taiao is developing a stock of equipment which can be borrowed by community groups working in our area.
- Trapinator possum traps Auckland Zoo. and Urban Ark have possum traps that you can borrow for a few weeks to knock out your possum problem. When you’re no long catching, drop them back to us.
- 4x pairs of binoculars perfect for those 5 minute bird counts
- 2x GPS units ideal for plotting your new trapline
2x Browning Patriot motion-sensing camera for high-quality photos and video of nocturnal (or daytime) pest activity
- Tracking tunnels for monitoring the effectiveness of your trapping
- 2040 Bird Monitor with solar panel for continuous background monitoring
- Magenta Bat5 bat monitor for handheld pekapeka detection
- DOC data-logging bat detector which can be left in the field to record presence
- Assorted weeding and planting tools
- 2x Gazebos (3 meter x 3 metre) ideal for trap handouts or festival-style events
- 3x folding tables ideal for trap handouts or festival-style events
- 5x small spades for weeding and planting
If you’d like to borrow any of this kit, contact Paul Whitfield on Enable JavaScript to view protected content.
z and 021 150 8284