Urban Ark – Manawa Taiao supports trapping in back gardens and reserves
Introduced predators such as rats, possums, and stoats don’t belong here, but it is important to remove them in a humane way that avoids or minimises suffering or distress – both to target and non-target animals.
Predator Free NZ have an excellent section How to choose the right trap, and Bionet has a list of traps that have met humane trapping guidelines from the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC).
We generally recommend Victor Pro traps for targeting rats, Trapinators or Flipping Timmys for possums, and DOC200 traps for targeting stoats. We also advocate ANFA pulsing (August, November, February, April), and ask everyone to record their catches.
Learn about:
For further reading try:
A Practical Guide to Trapping DOC’s primer on identifying target predators, monitoring predator habitats, understanding predator behaviours and effective control methods.
Pest animal control guidelines for the Auckland region Pest Free Auckland bill this document as “Simple techniques for maximum success”, which is spot on.