In 2011 after an initiative from the local MP Nikki Kaye, a group of Bluegreen volunteers set out to restore a section of Waitītiko Meola Creek between the northwestern motorway and Gt North Rd. It contains a natural spring with water rushing out from the lava flow into the creek. The site was originally a dump, and 2 tons of inorganic rubbish was removed before volunteers could begin to tackle the vast banks of weeds – madeira vine, English ivy, brush wattle, moth plant, woolly nightshade and tradescantia (wandering willy).
Auckland Council’s clean stream group and Trees that Count have supplied over 5,000 grasses and trees. In addition, we have set up a pest control programme initiated by Urban Ark (possums, rats, mice and hedgehogs) reducing these pests.
The site is a tough one. We have to contend with a broken lava substrate and with frequent flooding exacerbated by the narrow downstream culverts under Gt North Rd. Periodic inundations make it very difficult to retain plantings on the existing floodplain. Planting in other areas has been more successful with pūruri , kohekohe, karaka, puahou (five finger), kahikatea, māhoe and nikau.
The site is so much better than it used to be. If you’d like to help us continue to help the area’s native biodiversity, please get in touch.