Phyllis Reserve Tree Planting
Sunday 1 August 2021, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Help Friends of Oakley Creek Te Auaunga wrap up their 2021 plantings
This month’s planting is the final community planting of the season. We will be planting an area below the Kokopu Bridge between Phyllis and Harbutt Reserves, to expand on some of our precious ‘remnant mahoe rock forest’ areas. Follow the flags from the carpark, south-west along the path behind the Akarana Dog Training Club.
Wear sturdy footwear and bring your own gloves and a spade, if you have them. However, we will have spares.
Bring your whanau and friends for a morning of giving back to our precious environment.
Refreshments will be provided.
Sunday 1 August, 10am–noon.