Eric Armishaw Reserve weeding bee
Sunday 6 October 2024, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Eric Armishaw Reserve is a great little spot and one of the most biodiverse parks in Pt Chev. But that biodiversity also extends to weeds, which need a bit of attention. Come along to what we hope will be a regular series of weeding bees (and perhaps planting sessions). We have a few activities you can throw yourself into:
- releasing trees from strangling vines
- clearing woolly nightshade and moth plants
- freeing up struggling natives trees and shrubs
- hanging around and having a chat with other eco-focussed locals
Meet: at the southern end of the big boardwalk close to the motorway. Look for the Urban Ark flag.
Wear: something reasonably protective as you’ll be pushing through bushes and stuff, plus strong footwear (ideally waterproof) as it is likely to be damp underfoot
Bring: gloves (we’ll have spares), sunscreen, your favourite weeding tools, water bottle
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Group: Pest Free Pt Chevalier