Kayaking on the Motu Manawa Marine Reserve and Te Auaunga
Sunday 13 November 2022, 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friends of Oakley Creek Te Auaunga are collaborating with EMR - Experiencing Marine Reserves who are running activities that include kayaking out onto the Motu Manawa Marine Reserve, and up into the tidal reach of Te Auaunga. This will be an opportunity for you to see the creek in a different light, and to learn more about the history of the Waterview Heritage Area, and the ecology and restoration work that we are doing in that part of the awa.
Meet at Eric Armishaw Park, end of Walker Road, Pt Chevalier.
For more information and to register go to - https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/motu-manawa-kayak-day-registration-442199890777?discount=KAYAKLOCALS