Harbutt Reserve Weeding Bee
Sunday 5 December 2021, 9:30am - 11:30am
Harbutt Reserve, end of Harbutt Avenue - follow the flags from the entrance to the park, south-west along the shared path, to the start of the informal / mown track to the creek.
With summer upon us the growth is / has been phenomenal, so we need all hands on deck to help with plant releasing and weeding around the young plants.
Wear sturdy footwear and bring your favourite gardening tool and gloves, if you have them. However, we will have spares.
Bring your whanau and friends for a morning of giving back to our precious environment.
Refreshments will be provided
Sunday 5th December, 2021 - 9.30am-11.30am (NB - note the slightly earlier start to ‘beat the heat’.)